Logistical Arrangements

Title of the qualification/award:

Certificate of Participation

MQF level:

MQF Level 2

Course Duration:

8 sessions

Hours of total learning:

- Contact hours: 24
- Self-study hours: 16
- Assessment hours: 3

Course Date:

- Will be announced at a later stage, depending on request by prospective participants 


- Can be held mornings, afternoons or evenings


- Will be announced at a later stage

Target group:

This training course is aimed at anyone over 16 years of age, who is able to communicate in Maltese and/or English and satisfies the entry requirements below.

Entry requirements:

The course is intended for anyone who possesses basic ICT skills, which would include:
- web browsing
- sending and receiving emails via web-based email clients such as Gmail and Hotmail
- opening, creating and saving files using office packages.

Participants should have access to a computer for out-of-classroom work.